Friday, August 24, 2012

Best Photos

Here are four of my best/most favorite photos, and the back-stories behind them...

This was a photo I captured at a performance of a band called "They Call Me Hero" - they consist of Frontier Academy students, check them out! - and I loved the punchy colors of the guitar and the general emotion in it. I don't think the image would have worked quite as well if the face of the band member had been included, because it would have detracted from the image. I do wish, however, that I had had a wider lens to capture it to compare. The motion blur wasn't intention (just a mistake on my part with the shutter speed) but in retrospect I think it added a nice effect, the playing was pretty intense!

This was a photo I took in Carlsbad Caverns. It was one of our destinations over summer vacation. There was no flash used to capture this photo, which I think adds to the natural eeriness of the pillar, as well as just general awesomeness (that's a photography term?). It was at an ultra-high ISO, but still looks very nice. My camera nailed the focus perfectly (there really was hardly any light down there whatsoever) which is a bonus, (whoo, go camera! Thanks!) so this shot definitely ranks among my best.

I'm not one for super saturated images or architecture - but this was a very old church in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I had to take the opportunity to capture it with no one else around (bonus points if you know the church!). I had to wait awhile until no one was entering or exiting, but I think it was worth the wait. I hope I portrayed the mood of the church accurately.

This was at my cousin's graduation where I took some photos. I was originally upset at the people standing up around me with their cameras, but in retrospect I think it adds depth to the image, and everyone standing at once to snap photos adds to the 'excitement' of the shot in general.  Graduation photos in which the class tosses their mortarboards  up are always some of the most exciting photos. This was a very large school, as well, so it gave a nice touch to the picture. I hope to capture Frontier's graduation this year as well.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Here is the final completed & full color collage from 15. August 2012...

My name is Andrew Moline, and Photography truly is my passion. It is more than a hobby, for me, and I hope to someday become a successful professional.

Thanks for reading!

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