Saturday, May 18, 2013

Artist Statement

I believe, as a photographer, that everything has a story and everything has a perfect image that can be made. It's curious and a little ironic that my two favorite and most influential photographers are such a contrast... one is a photojournalist and the other is a sports/commercial photographer. This is fortunate in that it shapes my style in a unique way. I borrow my own personal philosophy from Scott Kelby, one of those photographers: You never go wrong by doing the right thing. I don't believe that there are any photography "trade secrets." Some high-end agencies, photographers, and retouchers make employees sign confidentiality agreements, saying that they won't reveal how they work. I think that's absurd.

Photography isn't just a way of looking at the world; it's a way of experiencing life. As Joe McNally says, remember that all photos are a currency. You can make someone's day or break their world with a photograph, and photographers should remember that what they do is something very raw, emotional, and powerful. It would serve all photographers well to remember the power that we have in our hand with that camera. The best feeling in the world is to give someone a picture of themselves, and see their face light up when they say "wow... that's me???" -- there is no better feeling, and that's what I live for.