Friday, September 28, 2012

Food Photography

Some iphone snaps this week, so not the best quality unfortunately. But it was a good challenge

a quick iphone snap of a soda can. Water droplets were added for appeal and effect. The most difficult part was getting an interesting pattern and reflection on the can, without it being distracting from the glare. 

some delicious crackers pose on a plate. it was a cellphone photo, so not the best quality, but the composition and background/shadow idea is still there! The toughest part was getting the proper angle and placement right. It's surprisingly difficult to make a few crackers look interesting, but I think it turned out okay. There was another towel towards the top to add as a reflector for the shadow on the bottom, as well as the creased towel behind to add an interesting texture, and to create an eye line with the shadow from the crease (yearbook term!!)

Station Assignment Post

Since they wouldn't copy to the folder, they are here now.



Reflection - Camera takes a look at itself while it snaps a photo

Shadow. A nice portrait

Some high speed shooting shows the food coloring in water. Taken at a High ISO

White on white

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reflection Photography

This is a photo that was taken at the Frontier Elementary School.

It doesn't look like much, but if you look closely or zoom in on the photo, my reflection can be seen in the eye of the person being photographed - I didn't even notice til after the fact.

Here is an interesting, although hopefully subtle reflection.

The plant on the left was designed to give a sense of depth and keep your eye out of that side of the frame, like you are peeking into a scenario.

The reflections of the trees and houses are just visible, and serve to keep your eye in that area as well, the bottom foliage pushing the viewer up.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


A very compelling image. An elderly man stops for a rest in Greeley, CO's downtown Lincoln Park before biking away.  MANUAL  SHUTTER 1/450th F/4 ISO 200 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)

Possibly the best of all! A split second reaction of Mrs. Neel's caught on camera. She finds out that she has passed Step 1 of Haiti's government's adoption process. (MANUAL Shutter 1/320th F/4.5 70mm ISO 100 Minor retouch and Edit in Abobe Photoshop )

A photo of my uncle holding up a very old photo of my grandfather. Different generations are viewed here through one photograph (MANUAL Shutter 1/160 F/4 ISO 1600)

A car zooms by a downtown Greeley, CO street. (MANUAL Shutter 1/13 F/22 70mm ISO 100 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)

Alec Street poses with a very interesting face for  the camera during a Publications class, where photography practice was abound! (MANUAL Shutter 1/200 F/2.8 200mm ISO 2000 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)