Sunday, September 2, 2012


A very compelling image. An elderly man stops for a rest in Greeley, CO's downtown Lincoln Park before biking away.  MANUAL  SHUTTER 1/450th F/4 ISO 200 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)

Possibly the best of all! A split second reaction of Mrs. Neel's caught on camera. She finds out that she has passed Step 1 of Haiti's government's adoption process. (MANUAL Shutter 1/320th F/4.5 70mm ISO 100 Minor retouch and Edit in Abobe Photoshop )

A photo of my uncle holding up a very old photo of my grandfather. Different generations are viewed here through one photograph (MANUAL Shutter 1/160 F/4 ISO 1600)

A car zooms by a downtown Greeley, CO street. (MANUAL Shutter 1/13 F/22 70mm ISO 100 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)

Alec Street poses with a very interesting face for  the camera during a Publications class, where photography practice was abound! (MANUAL Shutter 1/200 F/2.8 200mm ISO 2000 Minor edit and retouch in Adobe Photoshop)


  1. Andrew~ Your picture of the car is AMAZING!!! The depth of field is great. I guess it's a common technique, but I would have never thought to move with the object. (Maybe because I'm relatively new to photography.)

  2. I love the photo of your uncle holding the photo! The hand on the one side really give it movement and the plaid shirt with the shallow depth of field girls the background something interesting. I love that I do see a story in all your photos. I would keep pushing yourself with using different angles/perspectives.
