Friday, October 19, 2012

Experiment & Explore

So... I decided to do something very radical and something I would not want to risk doing when being paid.

I went to Elluminate Productions' Dress rehearsal in the mall this past weekend. Elluminate is a sort of 'play' production. It was incredibly dark, so for my 'experiment' I decided to not use a flash, push my camera, and shoot the entire thing like I would a wedding. No, don't give me that crazy look. I put my camera at some ridiculous settings ("Don't Try This At Home!") - ISO 6400, F2.8, and 1/200th of a second shutter speed, to see what I would get. The lights were constantly changing in color, and the majority were a crazy orange/red, that was a pain to correct later.

But I think the shots turned out very well, and I especially like the B&W. I feel like both shots have an "intimate" feel to them.

The experiment reminded me why I only second (or even third) shoot weddings, and rarely at that. :)

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