Friday, February 15, 2013

Accentuate the positives

Sorry, I had to reuse this photo! Just so awesome.


OK, I just had to use this one! I love hands. They are very neat, interesting aspects of a person. Here, Mrs. Neel's hands are holding some fuzz from a nearby plant.

"Looking right through you"

I wish I had an ultra macro lens. As I don't, this is a major crop from Kane's eye. As they say, eyes are the window to the soul, and among the most interesting things to me, photographically.

"Give me that!"

OK, maybe this one is pushing the requirements just a tad, but I love this picture far too much just in sheer moment not to use it, and it illustrates the point well. People's candid, raw expressions will make or break a photograph, and this photograph just happened to be made from it. Could you imagine how interesting the image may be without the player's expression so intense?

1 comment:

  1. Andrew,
    Regarding the photograph of the hands...
    It exhibits a great job with rule of thirds, a very nice depth of field, and a great use of spot focusing... The only thing I would recommend would be possibly removing the shadow in the bottom left corner of your photograph... It is only slightly distracting.
