Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Louis is pretty darn interesting, and always has something interesting or odd to say. Hopefully, this expression captures that feeling accurately.

Tessa is certainly one curious lady! She's amazing at art in general, and she is a super hilarious person! I was lucky I could press the shutter release here because I was about on the floor in hysterics. Tessa wins at everything art with me, except for photography! So I'm going to take this opportunity and post this picture of Tessa. Really, though, I don't think this needs any explaining.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you had Louis pose. The look on his face is very funny and interesting. Also i like how you didn't cut off too much of his shoulders. It is a perfect headshot. What i didn't like was how you can tell that the background is a sheet. You should have taken out the wrinkles in the cloth or you should have edited it so you couldn't tell.
